June 3, 2020

What Does a Laravel Developer Do?

Laravel, the PHP network for web developers.

If you are a back-end development, I can be sure you have heard the name PHP. Laravel is the most used PHP framework. It is a back-end framework and helps developer code from a foundation.

To cover the system requirements, the framework recommends using the Laravel Homestead virtual machine as your local Laravel development environment. In case you don’t use Laravel Homestead, your system must meet the following requirements:

·       PHP >= 7.2.5

·       BCMath PHP Extension

·       Ctype PHP Extension

·       Fileinfo PHP extension

·       JSON PHP Extension

·       Mbstring PHP Extension

·       OpenSSL PHP Extension

·       PDO PHP Extension

·       Tokenizer PHP Extension

·       XML PHP Extension

The framework is based on one premise: “Happy developers make the best code”. Based on this, they developed a place where developers can easily build their applications. To achieve this goal, the framework provides authentication, routing, sessions, and caching.

The framework is powerful and with its tools, it provides the possibility to build robust and scalable applications. Inversion of control container, a migration system, and an integrated unit testing support allows you to build any application you have in mind.

A Laravel programmer is a specialist in developing web applications using the Laravel framework, which works within the PHP programming language.


The platform counts with 18 services that constitute the platform. Serverless platform, Server Management, Zero downtime deployment, Queue monitoring, Administration panel, Realtime events, Micro-Framework, Pre-Packaged vagrant box, Saas app scaffolding, Dev environment for macs, Webpack asset compilation, Subscription billing integration, Browser testing and automation, Painless oauth2 implementation, Full-text search, OAuth authentication, Debug assistant, and finally interactive REPL.

Laravel developers can either be back-end programmers proficient in PHP, or full-stack programmers. If the developer is a full-stack programmer, and has PHP knowledge, then it is suitable to work as a Laravel developer. If the developer is full-stack, but uses another language that is not PHP for the back-end, then he can´t use the framework as it only works with PHP.

A Laravel developer works on building the latest PHP applications on premium service platforms. They build innovative solutions and collaborate with the whole team. They work very close to other back-end developers and also with front-end developers and designers.

A Laravel developer in most of the cases is required to have at least 2 years of Laravel development and some companies hire and train their PHP developers in the Laravel framework. Some years back, they would have been required to have a computer science degree or college degree, but today any programmer that can prove they can code is able to be hired. The demand for this kind of developer is huge. They have to know Object-oriented programming related to PHP. These developers also work with SQL schema design, solid principles, and REST API.

Laravel uses Composer to manage its dependencies. You have to download a copy of Composer.phar and then you can either keep it in your local project directory or move it to use it globally on your system. On windows, you can use the Composer Windows installer.


You can install Laravel via 3 methods. Via the Laravel installer, via the composer create-project and via download. The following will be an explanation on how you can install them.

  • Via Laravel Installer:

First, download the Laravel installer using Composer.

composer global require "laravel/installer=~1.1"

After installing it, the "Laravel new" command creates a fresh Laravel installation in the specified directory. For example, the command "Laravel new blog" will create a directory named blog, and inside it will contain the Laravel installation with all the dependencies. It is faster than the installation via Composer.

  • Via Composer Create-Project

You can install Laravel by the Composer "create-project" using the following command: "composer create-project Laravel/Laravel {directory} 4.2 --prefer-dist"

  • Via download

After installing the composer, download the 4.2 version of the Laravel framework and in a directory of your server extract all the content. In the root of the application run the following command: "PHP composer. phar install" This process needs git to be installed in the server to have a successful installation. To update the Laravel framework write the following command "composer. phar update"

In Conclusion, Laravel is the most used PHP framework, it is based on the premise "happy developers make the best code" meaning that the simplicity and efficiency of laravel for PHP developers is the main goal. They build innovative solutions and collaborate with the whole team. They work very close to other back-end developers and also with front-end developers and designers. There are three ways to install the framework. Via the Laravel Installer, via the Composer-Create project, and via the Download. If the developer uses another language that is not PHP for the back-end, then he can´t use the framework as it only works with PHP. The platform counts with 18 services that can be integrated into the platform.

TagsLaravelPHPWeb Framework
Lucas Bonder
Technical Writer
Lucas is an Entrepreneur, Web Developer, and Article Writer about Technology.

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DevelopersJune 3, 2020
What Does a Laravel Developer Do?
Laravel, the PHP network for web developers.

If you are a back-end development, I can be sure you have heard the name PHP. Laravel is the most used PHP framework. It is a back-end framework and helps developer code from a foundation.

To cover the system requirements, the framework recommends using the Laravel Homestead virtual machine as your local Laravel development environment. In case you don’t use Laravel Homestead, your system must meet the following requirements:

·       PHP >= 7.2.5

·       BCMath PHP Extension

·       Ctype PHP Extension

·       Fileinfo PHP extension

·       JSON PHP Extension

·       Mbstring PHP Extension

·       OpenSSL PHP Extension

·       PDO PHP Extension

·       Tokenizer PHP Extension

·       XML PHP Extension

The framework is based on one premise: “Happy developers make the best code”. Based on this, they developed a place where developers can easily build their applications. To achieve this goal, the framework provides authentication, routing, sessions, and caching.

The framework is powerful and with its tools, it provides the possibility to build robust and scalable applications. Inversion of control container, a migration system, and an integrated unit testing support allows you to build any application you have in mind.

A Laravel programmer is a specialist in developing web applications using the Laravel framework, which works within the PHP programming language.


The platform counts with 18 services that constitute the platform. Serverless platform, Server Management, Zero downtime deployment, Queue monitoring, Administration panel, Realtime events, Micro-Framework, Pre-Packaged vagrant box, Saas app scaffolding, Dev environment for macs, Webpack asset compilation, Subscription billing integration, Browser testing and automation, Painless oauth2 implementation, Full-text search, OAuth authentication, Debug assistant, and finally interactive REPL.

Laravel developers can either be back-end programmers proficient in PHP, or full-stack programmers. If the developer is a full-stack programmer, and has PHP knowledge, then it is suitable to work as a Laravel developer. If the developer is full-stack, but uses another language that is not PHP for the back-end, then he can´t use the framework as it only works with PHP.

A Laravel developer works on building the latest PHP applications on premium service platforms. They build innovative solutions and collaborate with the whole team. They work very close to other back-end developers and also with front-end developers and designers.

A Laravel developer in most of the cases is required to have at least 2 years of Laravel development and some companies hire and train their PHP developers in the Laravel framework. Some years back, they would have been required to have a computer science degree or college degree, but today any programmer that can prove they can code is able to be hired. The demand for this kind of developer is huge. They have to know Object-oriented programming related to PHP. These developers also work with SQL schema design, solid principles, and REST API.

Laravel uses Composer to manage its dependencies. You have to download a copy of Composer.phar and then you can either keep it in your local project directory or move it to use it globally on your system. On windows, you can use the Composer Windows installer.


You can install Laravel via 3 methods. Via the Laravel installer, via the composer create-project and via download. The following will be an explanation on how you can install them.

  • Via Laravel Installer:

First, download the Laravel installer using Composer.

composer global require "laravel/installer=~1.1"

After installing it, the "Laravel new" command creates a fresh Laravel installation in the specified directory. For example, the command "Laravel new blog" will create a directory named blog, and inside it will contain the Laravel installation with all the dependencies. It is faster than the installation via Composer.

  • Via Composer Create-Project

You can install Laravel by the Composer "create-project" using the following command: "composer create-project Laravel/Laravel {directory} 4.2 --prefer-dist"

  • Via download

After installing the composer, download the 4.2 version of the Laravel framework and in a directory of your server extract all the content. In the root of the application run the following command: "PHP composer. phar install" This process needs git to be installed in the server to have a successful installation. To update the Laravel framework write the following command "composer. phar update"

In Conclusion, Laravel is the most used PHP framework, it is based on the premise "happy developers make the best code" meaning that the simplicity and efficiency of laravel for PHP developers is the main goal. They build innovative solutions and collaborate with the whole team. They work very close to other back-end developers and also with front-end developers and designers. There are three ways to install the framework. Via the Laravel Installer, via the Composer-Create project, and via the Download. If the developer uses another language that is not PHP for the back-end, then he can´t use the framework as it only works with PHP. The platform counts with 18 services that can be integrated into the platform.

Web Framework
About the author
Lucas Bonder -Technical Writer
Lucas is an Entrepreneur, Web Developer, and Article Writer about Technology.